Wow!!! Amen
If a picture is worth a thousand words, here is a few thousand words. There isn't much more to say other than Thank You! or more appropriately - Mesi.
Construction update 4-15-18
The building is now approx 90 to 95% complete. Stuccoing of the walls is in progress, the box end is closed in and the floor is done. The step up for the altar is complete. The doors and windows are being built, and the back fill along the outside remains.
Installation of doors and windows will be accomplished soon. To be followed very closely by parishioners attending mass here.
Hurricane Matthew destroyed the church building in October of 2016. Eighteen months later the new church building is almost complete. The parishioners of St. Anthony the Hermit Parish have replaced their building with the assistance and support of St. Therese Parish and some very generous donors.
Only the building was destroyed, the Parish and spirit of St. Anthony's was never destroyed. Rebuilding their church in this time, with destroyed roads, all supplies crossing a river with no vehicle bridge, and carrying the cinder blocks by hand for miles -- that is not a broken parish. This is a sign of a strong community that has come together.
Construction Update: 3-12-18
The roof is now on, and the walls are almost complete. The floor still remains to be poured. It is great to see the church taking shape.
Construction Update: 1-21-18
The new church is approximately 80% complete. The walls are up, the main beam for supporting the roof trusses are in place.
The roof is not installed yet, this portion is expected to take a few weeks to complete once the materials arrive.
Many changes have occurred during the construction of the building. Our original plans called for a metal roof supported by trusses made of hardwood (Brazilian Hardwood to resist the insect and moisture damage). The plans were changed in order to use a concrete roof that would allow a bigger footprint of the church, and less cost. Due to the road situation there the concrete cannot be delivered. Even donkeys were unable to carry enough of it up the hill.
The plans were then changed back to the metal rood with trusses. The material is not on site yet, but is in progress.
Thank you to all who have supported this project! Through prayers, direct trips to Lori, design and planning help, and through financial donations that made it all possible. Mesi!
As a parish here in Sanford, we have been assisting our Brothers and Sisters in Christ to rebuild their place of worship. In this effort four members of St. Therese'Parish traveled to Haiti in order to obtain information about the project, determine the costs to restore the church and to help bring hope to the members of the parish in Lori. Prior to going they felt that it might be nice for the parishioners to see that other people do care, and maybe bring a sense of peace to the victims of this terrible devastation. It turned out that bringing a sense of peace worked both ways.
Please check out their stories in the links to the left.