Grand Knight Bob Guillemette of the Rev. George Poirer #2755 Council in Springvale, Grand Knight John Chandonnet and Life Program Director Ron Robichaud of the St. Thomas Council #13861 met at the Alpha Pregnancy Center to present a $3,800 donation Director Tina Williams.
Our hearts break for the community in Lewiston, especially for those affected by these tragic events. They need our prayers. The world needs our prayers. Please join us to pray for peace and and end of violence tonight. At Holy Family Church: Holy Hour and adoration at 5p, Mass at 6p.
Pope Francis has asked Catholics around the world, as well as people of other faiths, to join in a day of prayer and fasting for peace in the Holy Land. The pope announced that an hour-long prayer vigil “in the spirit of penance” will be held in St. Peter’s Square on Friday, October 27, at 6 p.m. (noon in Maine), and he asked that similar services be held in churches around the world. Individuals are also asked to spend time in prayer and to participate in fasting on that day. Join us for an hour of Adoration at 12p on October 27th. Come for the entire hour or stop by for just a moment to pray, in the presence of our Lord, for peace in the Holy Land.
St. Thomas Council awards Knight of the Month for September 2022 to Jim Sanger, who has been a knight in the St. Thomas Council for the past five years.