Thank you all for your dedication to the Eucharist and for being a part of this very important ministry. We are ready to begin training and recommissioning. All Eucharistic Ministers will be going through the same training, regardless of tenure. There will be three training dates across the two parishes. You only need to go to one training as they will all be the same, regardless of location. Sunday 11/13 after the 10a mass at St Thérèse of Lisieux Parish Office Monday 11/14- 6:30pm at St Matthew Parish Saturday 11/19- 10am at St Matthew Parish Please email Ashley Buxton at [email protected] or call the parish office to RSVP.
St. Thomas Council awards Knight of the Month for September 2022 to Romeo Zuniga, who has been a knight in the St. Thomas Council for the past five years.
It has come to our attention that fake emails and texts are being sent out in Father Bill's name. Please be very cautious when receiving these messages and do not click any links they may include. ONLY emails from [email protected] are actually from Father Bill.