This weekend we celebrate the 65th anniversary of the ordination to the priesthood of Fr. Ray Auger. To mark this occasion Fr. Auger asked to celebrate Mass in the parish. Fr. Auger will preside and preach at the 9:00AM Mass on August 1. At this time there is no other celebration planned.
The Knights of Columbus St. Thomas Council #13861 conducted another Charity, Unity and Fraternity exemplification ceremony. This ceremony was conducted at Holy Family Church in Sanford, Maine on Sunday, July 25th. Charity, Unity and Fraternity symbolize the three virtues of the Knights of Columbus Third Degree rank.
Are you looking for a way to get involved or share your talents? Or perhaps you're looking to resume volunteering in our parish? Please let us know! Find out more...
District Deputy Ray Sargent conducted an installation ceremony for the new St. Thomas Council officers and W. Robert Bachelder Assembly officers for the upcoming 2021-22 fiscal year. The installation ceremony took place during the July St. Thomas Council monthly meeting at the St. Therese of Lesieux parish hall. Pastor Fr. Bill Labbe was also present. This meeting was an open meeting open to spouses and friends of Knights of Columbus knights.