The Knights of Columbus St. Thomas Council has named Rick Southwick as Knight of the Month for the month of February. Rick has answered the call every time there was a need. In fact, many times he took the initiative to begin a program or project.
Rick has been very involved and committed to our council's "Leave no Neighbor Behind" program, ensuring all our Brother Knights received a "check in" call during the year. He also instituted and coordinated a program to send Christmas cards to all our brothers and took charge of our retention program.
Rick has been a leader of our kitchen team, ensuring the facility upkeep was maintained, spending many hours installing a new sink and cleaning the stove and griddle.
He, along with his wife Becky, volunteer at the concession stand at the Sanford Mainers games and at the Acton Fair.
As Deputy Grand Knight, Rick has provided his support and ideas to the Grand Knight either at counciil meetings or on many phone conversations, making the Grand Knight's job easier. For that, the St. Thomas Council is grateful.
With great pride, the St. Thomas Council congratulates Rick Southwick!
Grand Knight John Chandonnet (left), Rick Southwick (right)