St. Thomas Council awarded Knight of the Month for June 2021 to Michael Roy, who had recently joined the St. Thomas Council.
Michael has been a knight for less than a year; but has made a large impact in such a short time. Mike Roy is a man of action. He told me when he joined us that he planned to be active. True to his words, he has begun training as an altar server, has joined our sanitizing team, as well as volunteering at the Sanford Mainers concession stand. He also volunteered at the council’s Lenten Drive-By Fish Dinners.
Mike, along with his wife Carlene, is extremely involved with the St. Thomas Food Closet. They volunteer many hours each week to ensure proper food storage and rotation of food, as well as the arduous process necessitated during the COVID-19 protocols.
Congratulations to our June Knight of the Month, Mike Roy!
Michael Roy (left), Grand Knight Terry Sylvanus (right)