The Knights of Columbus St. Thomas Council has selected the family of Sandra Jalbert as family of the month for March 2022.
Sandra and her late husband Raymond had been happily married for over 30 years. They are proud parents of three children: John. Michael and Renee. They also have seven grandchildren. Their son John has two boys and two girls. Their daughter Renee has three girls. Sandra also has 17 great grandchildren.
Sandra is heavily involved in the parish. She performs various custodial duties inside Holy Family Church on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, such as washing the floor in the sanctuary, tending to the flowers and plants and making sure the holy water fonts by the entrances are full. Sandra is also involved in the Ladies of St. Anne, the Daughters of Isabella, the Rosary Group and the St. Thomas Council. She helps the St. Thomas Council at the Lenten Haddock suppers, the Turkey dinners and also works the concession at various Sanford Mainers home games.
If that isn't enough, Sandra Jalbert is involved in various community activities. Sandra belongs to Altrusa, which is a community service group. Sandra also works the concession at Sanford Mainer games with this group. During the 1990's, both she and husband Raymond were Mrs. Santa and Santa Clause respectfully for the town during the Christmas season. They would light the tree in Sanford City Park and children would come to see Santa and sit on his lap.
The St. Therese of Lisieux Parish is grateful for the many contributions that the family of Sandra Jalbert has made for our faith community. We are blessed to have them as part of our family!