The July 9th Council meeting was the first in-person meeting held since the March 12th meeting. Consequently there was a lot of catching up to do as far as handing out Family of the Month and Knight of the month awards, where none of these awards were handed out since March 12th.
Besides handing out overdue Knight of the Month and Family oif the Month awards, Grand Knight Terry Sylvanus also handed out various recognition awards to well deserving Knights.
Don Leeman received the Council Recruiter of the Year award for the tremendous effort he put in to recruit new brother Knights into our council. Don has been the Membership Chair for the Council. Don Leeman is also the State Ceremonials Director for the Maine State Council.
Don Leeman accepting his certificate
Ray Sargent received the Conferring Officer of the Year award.
Ray has been involved in the Knights of Columbus for almost 30 years. Ray served as Sanford Council Treasurer and Grand Knight. In the W. Robert Bachelder Fourth Degree Assembly #357, Ray served as Comptroller and Faithful Navigator. Ray is also an Honor Guard Commander. In the Maine State Knights of Columbus, Ray served as Treasurer, Warden, Secretary, State Deputy and Past State Deputy. Ray was a District Deputy too.
Ray has put in a countless number of hours in his involvement in many Council activities. Because of his many years of experience in the Council and State level, Ray has been invaluable in guiding the Council and advising our Grand Knight.
Ray Sargent accepting his certificate
Frank Pease received long overdue recognition for coordinating all the Lenten Friday Haddock Suppers over the past several years. Each of the Haddock suppers involved many hours of purchasing the food, and overseeing the preparation, setting up the hall, serving the food and cleanup.
It is noteworthy to mention that Frank and his wife Jean served on the Maine State Right to Life Committee. Frank and Jean will soon be leaving Maine and moving to Chicago to live near one of Frank's sons. We will miss Frank and Jean!
Frank Pease accepting his certificate
Ray Sargent received a Certificate of Commendation from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council in New Haven, Connecticut for his many years of dedicated service to the Knights of Columbus.
Ray Sargent accepting his certificate
Dennis Guay also received a Certificate of Commendation from the Knights of Columbus. Dennis Guay has been a Knight for 15 years. Dennis served three terms as Grand Knight for the St. Thomas Council. During his tenure in that position, the St. Thomas Council won three Star Council awards. Dennis is a past District Deputy, an Honor Guard and currently the Faithful Navigator for the W. Robert Bachelder Fourth Degree Assembly in Sanford. Dennis coordinates the Tootsie Roll drives and the Council's involvement in working the concession area at Sanford Mainers home games.
Dennis receives this well-deserved recognition from the Supreme Council for his dedicated service to this fraternal organization!