St. Thomas Council Knights of Columbus Degree Team conducted another Charity, Unity and Fraternity Exemplification on Sunday, April 18th. John L’Heureux had joined the Knights of Columbus and became the newest knight of the St. Thomas Council at the council’s April 8th council meeting.
Past Grand Knight John Chandonnet presided over the ceremony, as John L’Heureux took his first, second and third degree. Jeff Russell presented the Charity Degree, Dennis Guay presented the Unity Degree and Ray Sargent presented the Fraternity Degree to John L’Heureux. Rene Robichaud served at Ceremony Warden and Father Alex Boucher served as the Ceremony Chaplain. Grand Knight Terry Sylvanus congratulated John L’Heureux and gave him words of encouragement and advise.
From left to right: Jeff Russell, Ray Sargent, John L’Heureux, John Chandonnet, Rene Robichaud, Grand Knight Terry Sylvanus, Dennis Guay and Father Alex Boucher