The Knights of Columbus St. Thomas Council and Springvale Council sponsored a Youth Basketball Free Throw competition at the St. Ignatius Gym on River Street in Sanford, Maine on Sunday, February 27, 2022. This event was open to boys and girls from ages 9 thru 14.
Registration started at 12 Noon that day. 12 youths registered for the competition. 11 Knights and one volunteer ran the competition. Work included registering contestants, scoring contestants, recovering basketballs, preparing certificates for each participant, preparing the winner’s certificates, and awarding medals for each winner. Knights and volunteers also served pizza and soda following the competition.
The competition began at 12:00 noon and ended at 1:00 pm. Each participant was allowed 3 practice shots, then 25 shots at the hoop that were scored.
Pizza, lemonade, and chips were served at the Parish Hall (below the gym) following the competition. A good time was had by all. Many of the participants expressed their appreciation to the Knights. The St. Thomas Council will sponsor another free throw competition next year.