The St. Thomas Council named the family of Michael and Laura Alexandre as Family of the Month for July.
Michael and Laura Alexandre are the proud parents of Elijah, 21 and John-Paul, 15. Their 1st born son, Benjamin, is in Heaven with Jesus & His Blessed Mother.
Elijah is a graduate of St. Thomas School. This month he begins his senior year at Ave Maria University in Florida, an economics major. He has served our parish as an altar server and lector.
John-Paul attended St. Thomas School through the 7th grade. He regularly serves our parish as an altar server. He volunteers at the KofC haddock dinners during Lent and at the Matthew Meal program with Youth Ministry.
Michael, a Brother Knight of Columbus with the St. Thomas Council, is a master electrician with Pratt & Whitney. He is active in the That Man is You program, and volunteers on the church decorating and cleaning teams. He also assists at our KofC haddock dinners and our church attendance count team. Mike recently spent some time pressure washing the patio at the rectory in Springvale for Fr. Bill and Deacon Alex.
Laura, a Part Time Administrative Assistant for our Parish, is also the editor of our weekly bulletins. She is active on the Covid-19 admin team, ensuring proper daily registration for church attendance and can be seen most mornings greeting and checking in those attending mass. Laura has also volunteered at the Church Fairs. The whole family has served on the parish Hospitality Committee as greeters for 9 AM Mass for several years as well.
Dedicated and faith filled families such as the Alexandre’s help our parish community flourish.
The St. Thomas Council, Knights of Columbus proudly present the Michael and Laura Alexandre Family of the Month for July.
From Left to Right: Michael, Laura and Jean-Paul Alexandre